Web & Application Based Time Clocks

EssPortal Web Based Time Clock

EssClient Application Based Time Clock
Turns your network PC’s into sophisticated Employee Information Kiosks and remote time entry stations. It’s the ideal solution for LAN, WAN and Internet-based time data collection. The essPortal and essClient provides employees secure access to confidential information, including available benefit hours, paid hours-to-date, schedules, time cards data, as well as review of hours and attendance.

InfoPlus - Employee Self-Service
TimeTrak's InfoPlus provides individual controls on what each employee can view and edit. Employees simply enter their ID number (and a PIN number for security if desired) to gain access to their personal time card, schedule and hours information. Time Cards can be generated as punches by employees or filled with daily scheduled hours or daily scheduled start and stop times - permitting employees to make any minor edits, if necessary, prior to submission of their worked hours. Editing controls permit maximum flexibility (e.g., an employee can be permitted to change a punch time, but not create or delete a punch time).
Empower Your Employees